Find transport order using freight number

Allows to access details cre­at­ed trans­port order using ref­er­ence num­ber of freight, on the basis of which it was cre­at­ed.

Url parameters and connection settings

Method is avail­able for orders cre­at­ed and received, please make sure of using the cor­rect address

  • URL:
  • End­point: /ext/orders-api/v1/orders-created?search={“reference_number”:“number”}
  • End­point: /ext/orders-api/v1/orders-received?search={“reference_number”:“number”}
  • Method: GET


  • Con­tent-type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json
  • Autho­riza­tion: Bear­er {access_token}
  • Api-key: {unique_ap­p_api-key}


Autho­riza­tion process is described here. Each API request must also con­sist of unique Api-key obtained dur­ing appli­ca­tion reg­is­tra­tion togeth­er with client_id and client_secret.


Full descrip­tion of order details and para­me­ters can be found here.

Json example:

Exam­ple of details of received order

    "attachments": [],
    "created_at": "2021-05-24T12:29:02.232Z",
    "driver": {
      "account_id": 771476,
      "family_name": "Kierowca",
      "full_name": "Jan Kierowca",
      "given_name": "Jan",
      "phone": null
    "freight": {
      "carrier": {
        "assignee": {
          "account_id": 759284,
          "family_name": "Demczyszak",
          "given_name": "Barbara",
          "trans_id": "1013865-1"
        "legal_name": "Firma Testowa Przewoźnik IIT 2",
        "vat_id": "4574663803"
      "id": "ef7bead6-67a5-4ad3-8e00-49d6971cae90",
      "reference_number": "FR/2021/05/24/BW62",
      "shipper": {
        "assignee": {
          "account_id": 749989,
          "family_name": "Demczyszak",
          "given_name": "Barbara",
          "trans_id": "1007374-1"
        "legal_name": "Firma Testowa Spedycja IIT",
        "vat_id": "PL8370257415"
      "spots": [
          "description": null,
          "name": null,
          "operations": [
              "loads": [],
              "operation_order": 1,
              "time_window": null,
              "time_window_reason": null,
              "timespans": {
                "begin": "2021-05-27T12:26:27.000Z",
                "end": "2021-05-27T14:26:27.000Z"
              "type": "loading"
          "place": {
            "address": {
              "country": "pl",
              "description": null,
              "locality": "MORDOR",
              "number": null,
              "postal_code": "12345",
              "street": null
            "coordinates": null
          "spot_order": 1
          "description": null,
          "name": null,
          "operations": [
              "loads": [],
              "operation_order": 1,
              "time_window": null,
              "time_window_reason": null,
              "timespans": {
                "begin": "2021-05-30T12:26:27.000Z",
                "end": "2021-05-30T14:26:27.000Z"
              "type": "unloading"
          "place": {
            "address": {
              "country": "de",
              "description": null,
              "locality": "NARNIA",
              "number": null,
              "postal_code": "09876",
              "street": null
            "coordinates": null
          "spot_order": 2
    "id": "ef7bead6-67a5-4ad3-8e00-49d6971cae90",
    "invoice": {
      "invoice_id": "SI:f6ddf941-7756-4734-ab14-0207cb40ec78",
      "invoice_issuance_date": "2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "invoice_number": "FV0001/06/2021"
    "legacy_freight_id": 708481,
    "monitoring": {
      "providers": [
      "required": false
    "number": "2021/05/24/5",
    "payment": {
      "days": 5,
      "period": "deferred",
      "price": {
        "currency": "eur",
        "protected": true,
        "type": "route",
        "value": 115
    "source": null,
    "status": {
      "comment": null,
      "value": "waiting-for-confirmation"
    "vehicle": {
      "semi_trailer": null,
      "truck": {
        "dispatcher_id": 42026,
        "id": 236987,
        "registration_plate_number": "DWR9999999",
        "revision": 2