An internal note can be added to a freight and is only visible to users from your company. Only …
This method allows you to delete freight in draft status by FreightID. Authorization and access Authorization process is described here. Each …
Endpoint allows you to download accepted freight.
It allows you to get a complete list of private exchange branded members added to a particular private exchange branded.
Creating new freight and sending it to private exchange branded. To check private exchange branded id use that method first.
This method allows you to download a list of private exchange branded list. In response you will get a private …
Getting of permanent unloading and loading list locations. Users of shipper accounts can use the list of ten places they …
Delete places from your frequently used place list using id. Users of shipper accounts can use the list of ten …
Adding places to your frequently used list. Users can use the list of places they often use. Saved locations can …
This method allows you to download a list of private exchanges. In response you will get a private exchange id …