Integration scenario for freight forwarder

A step-by-step guide and best prac­tices for inte­grat­ing a freight for­warder solu­tion.

Freight for­warders play cru­cial role in trans­port chain man­age­ment, their role is both to out­source ship­ment to car­ri­ers as well as per­form trans­porta­tion using its own fleet. There­fore the descrip­tion below con­sid­ers both cas­es, as order­ing trans­port and as per­form­ing trans­port.

Freight forwarder’s account possibilities

In terms of freight man­age­ment it is pos­si­ble for a freight for­ward­ing com­pa­ny to:

Transport orders

Trans­port orders can be:

  • cre­at­ed
  • sent

Monitoring tasks

Freight for­warder is allowed to:

  • cre­ate new mon­i­tor­ing task and assign a car­ri­er
  • assign own vehi­cles to received mon­i­tor­ing tasks